How Not To Be The Salesperson Who Leaves Bad Voicemail Messages

The article was written by: Amy Bingham, Owner of Bingham Consulting

Every week I get voicemails from well-intended salespeople who miss the mark. I’m sure this happens to you too. Because I want your voicemail messages to resonate with your prospects, here are two ways to avoid an eye-roll, no callback, and block this caller.

 Do some research before you call

Staffing Industry suppliers call me regularly. Some suppliers even mistake my firm for a staffing agency, which becomes apparent when they go into their pitch on RPO, back-office solutions, and other services I don’t need. 

 If those salespeople went to my website or LinkedIn profile, they would see that I consult staffing agencies, and therefore I’m a source of leads for them, and they for me.

 Their voicemail message would be a request to jump on a call to see how we can help one another. Now and then, I get these kinds of voicemails. Those people get a response.

Know your prospects, know what they do, and leave a voicemail that intrigues them with something of value.

Don’t try the anonymous approach

 Have you ever had someone leave you a voicemail with only their name and number requesting a callback? 

 I don’t know about you, but I find this annoying. 

 I can only assume this salesperson got insufficient sales training from someone who believes that curiosity alone will prompt me to return the call. 

 I don’t call those people back unless I’m confident after a quick LinkedIn search that the person is reaching out to inquire about my services. 

 When it comes to voicemail messages, put yourself in your prospect’s shoes before you make the call. 

 What would make YOU call you back or take your next call? If you can answer that from your prospect’s perspective, you won’t miss the mark.


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