Top 5 Reasons Why Business Owners Factor Their Invoices with Scale Funding

When you need sufficient and steady cash flow to run your business, many business owners factor their invoice. Here are the top five reasons why.

1. They’re tired of waiting to get paid

In the Oil & Gas industry getting paid in 30 to 90 days is standard. These long pay terms can cause cash flow stress. With Scale Funding invoice factoring, we can ease that stress by turning your invoices into same day cash. What’s more is we can get you approved in 30 minutes or less.

2. They need to get caught up on some bills

Make Payroll, Pay for Fuel etc. – Lets face it, stuff happens, and if you don’t have a large reserve of cash in the bank you can find yourself in a bind. At Scale Funding, we help you get caught up on bills by turning your invoices into immediate cash. It’s easy so call now and get the cash you need today.

3. Their bank is tapping them out

The fact is banks are running away from the Oil & Gas business and leaving their customers behind. If you think your bank is starting to run, then give us a call because we’re not! We’re open for business and have lines from $50K to $20 million.

4. They want to make money

Ever heard people say it takes money to make money? Well it’s true. The fact is money gives business owners the power to take advantage of opportunities and to respond to the needs of their customers. Take control of your business today by injecting cash into your bank tomorrow.

5. They say they could expand their business if they could…

Name it! With Scale Funding you can do it! It doesn’t matter if you need salespeople, drivers or equipment, we can help. Over the last 20 years we’ve helped thousands of companies that wanted to expand but didn’t have the cash to do so. Contact Scale Funding today, let us show you how.


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