Where to Find Wind Energy Work

According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), there are currently more than 100,000 Americans working in the wind energy field. Wind energy jobs can take many different forms, including manufacturing, engineering, research and development, land purchasing, and even law.

The best way to find wind energy work depends on your skills, experience, and educational background. Below, we’ve provided pointers to help aspiring wind professionals find careers in this growing industry.

where to find wind energy workUse the Internet

In virtually every field, the best way to learn about open jobs is to use the internet to browse and research opportunities. Companies that need people for wind industry jobs or related careers use the internet to get the word out about those openings. The question is, where should you look?

Typically, the best resource for finding jobs that are specifically related to wind energy is the “Careers in Wind” job board. Unlike general-purpose job boards like Monster and ZipRecruiter, the Careers in Wind page is specifically focused on the wind industry. It’s run by the AWEA, which uses proceeds from job posting fees to fund research and advocacy for the wind energy industry.

While companies need to pay a fee to post a job on the AWEA Careers in Wind page—something that is standard for most job boards—job seekers can use the board for free. The board is members-only, but job seekers can create accounts, search for jobs, post resumes, submit applications, and even set up job alerts free of charge.

The Careers in Wind job board might be the only industry-specific resource for finding wind energy jobs, but it isn’t the only place these jobs get posted. You can find listings for wind power jobs on more general job boards as well. For instance, there are currently thousands of wind energy jobs listed on Indeed. You can use these sites to narrow down locations, specialties, and other details and navigate toward an appropriate job prospect.

Consider Geography

There are thousands of wind farms across the United States and new ones being built every year. Some areas of the country have already invested more energy, finances, and land into developing wind power than others. AWEA has a map  that is useful for identifying where the wind farms in the United States are located and where you might have the best luck finding a job in this industry. As you will see, some states—Texas especially—have a robust wind energy environment, which means a higher likelihood of ongoing job opportunities.

Start local, but keep an open mind as you browse opportunities that may not look like exactly what you picture when you think of wind energy careers. Remember that not every wind energy job will be based at—or even near—a wind farm. Jobs in this industry include professional work in labs, factories, law offices, government offices, and even offices in foreign countries: many of the businesses that manufacture components for wind turbines are currently based overseas.

Ultimately, if you are looking for a job in wind energy, your best bet is to search for open positions and submit resumes to all the positions that interest you. Research major wind companies in the United States and reach out to inquire about informational interviews or potential job openings. Even if these companies don’t have job openings listed, you never know what you might find just by making contact and expressing your passion for their field of work.

Taking on More Wind Energy Work

If you’re trying to grow your renewable energy service company and need the cash flow to do it, consider invoice factoring to help. Instead of waiting 30, 60, or even 90 days for customer payment, invoice factoring will pay you same-day on your invoices. This gives you the confidence you need to take on more and bigger contracts. To learn more give us a call at 800-707-4845 or fill out the form below.

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