
October 2017 Active Drilling Rigs
October 2017 Active Drilling Rigs Bakken Total: 50 Montana: 0 North Dakota: 50 Rocky Mountain Total: 138 Colorado: 34…
The World’s Demand for Oil
The Global Demand for Oil The global demand for oil and gas is expected to increase steadily in the next…
September 2017 Active Drilling Rigs
September 2017 Active Drilling Rigs Bakken Total: 53 Montana: 0 North Dakota: 53 Rocky Mountain Total: 137 Colorado: 36 New…
August 2017 Active Drilling Rigs
August 2017 Active Drilling Rigs Bakken Total: 54 Montana: 1 North Dakota: 53 Rocky Mountain Total: 133 Colorado: 37…
Important Regulations Affecting Your Oilfield Operations
If you have worked in any capacity in the oilfield industry, you are likely well aware of the thousands of…
July 2017 Active Drilling Rigs
July 2017 Active Drilling Rigs Bakken Total: 53 Montana: 1 North Dakota: 52 Rocky Mountain Total: 127 Colorado: 36…
Oilfield Site Preparation: Five Tips for Creating a Successful Foundation
Oilfield operations are complex, highly-regulated and subject to some of the largest public scrutiny of any industry. This makes meticulous…
21st Century Strategies for Oil and Gas Companies
For many years, firms in the oil and gas industry enjoyed great returns on their investments. But in 2014, the…
June 2017 Active Drilling Rigs
June 2017 Active Drilling Rigs Bakken Total: 45 Montana: 0 North Dakota: 45 Rocky Mountain Total: 124 Colorado: 34…