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Frac Sand Hauler in the Oilfield

Tips to Succeed & Grow as a Frac Sand Hauler in the Oilfield

May 2, 2018

Frac sand is an essential part of the drilling process because it’s high quality, cost-effective, and an easily available proppant.…

3 Things in Your MSA That Could Prevent You from Getting Paid

3 Things in Your MSA That Could Prevent You From Getting Paid

April 30, 2018

Here are three key items from your MSA that if ignored, could prevent you from getting paid by your customer.…

best factoring company

How to Choose the Best Invoice Factoring Company

April 23, 2018

If you do an online search for factoring companies, you’ll quickly realize there are thousands of results. How do you…

staffing agency fill rates

Ways to Increase Your Staffing Agency Fill Rates

April 19, 2018

For staffing agencies, there are two important key performance indicators to track. The time it takes to fill a job…

invoice factoring customer service

Invoice Factoring and More

April 16, 2018

Invoice factoring is an easy way to maintain your cash flow and ensure your company stays successful. In addition to…

Gulf Coast Oil Production

Gulf Coast Oil Production Outlined by Careful Growth

April 12, 2018

While oil and gas is expanding in the Gulf South, an increasing supply and low prices mean the operations we…

electronic logging in trucking

Electronic Logging in Trucking – The ELD Mandate

April 10, 2018

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ( FMCSA) has begun to enforce the new Federal mandate requiring drivers to utilize electronic…

oilfield services alberta

Oilfield Activity Continues In Alberta

April 6, 2018

Throughout the second half of 2017, many experts were predicting an increase, if not a boom, in oil and gas…

collections team

Collections and Client Relationships

April 5, 2018

One of the value-added benefits of factoring with Scale Funding is the work done by the AR Management Department. The…